If you wish to return your item, you have 28 days from the date of delivery to return your parcel back to us. We do not offer free return postage, so we recommend you send your item tracked and insured. Please retain your proof of postage until your return has been received and processed by our warehouse.

Please note - the item needs to be received back within the 28 day window. 

Once received, please allow 28 days for your refund to be processed before contacting us. You will receive an email once this has been completed.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unworn with the original tags attached, in the original packaging and all swimwear must be returned with the hygiene sticker attached. If our customer care team feel any of these points are not met, it is at their discretion on whether the item is suitable for return. Should a refund be refused, your item will be returned to you. Gift cards are not eligible for refunds.

We no longer offer exchanges, any returned items will be refunded instead.

Please send the item(s) to the address below:


London High Bay

Thurrock Park Way,



RM18 7HD

If returning from outside of the UK, please clearly mark ‘RETURN GOODS’ on the package to avoid paying unnecessary charges. 

Received an incorrect or faulty item?

Please contact our customer service team as soon as possible at info@theraggedpriest.com.

For faulty items, please include a photo and description of the issue in your email, and retain all original packaging. Refunds for faulty items which have been worn or tags removed will be at the discretion of our customer services team.

Problems receiving your order?

In the event that your parcel has not arrived within the designated shipping time, or has no tracking information or recent updates please let us know as soon as possible. In order to receive full compensation for lost or missing orders you will need to notify us within the following time frames:

UK Customers – 7 days from date of dispatch

International Customers – 14 days from date of dispatch

Please note that if we are notified of any problems with your shipment outside of these windows, we may only be able to offer store credit as compensation for any parcels that are declared as lost.

Still got a question? Get in touch:

Email us: info@theraggedpriest.com

Opening hours are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm - excluding UK bank holidays.